Episode 12: Abu Yakob
Ibn Battuta Season 1
They move on to the Beqaa valleys and seek out its chief to help find Abu Yakob. The chief recognises Abu Yakob, but by a different name and claims that he died from an evil curse. When they go to visit his residence, a demonic voice urges them to find and return the missing treasures. They find the elixir but need to find the merchant who has the treasures to restore peace and end the curse.
Up Next in Ibn Battuta Season 1
Episode 13: The Curse
Along with the chief and Nawara, Ibn Battuta captures the thieving merchant. They retrieve the missing treasure and obtain the elixir, eliminating the curse. They head back towards the Sultan and reveal their findings to him. He is pleased, and releases Nawara’s father and rewards both her and Ib...
Episode 14: Jasmine Festival
Abu Nawara, Ibn Battuta, and Nawara strategise a plan with the blessings of the Sultan to revive the city from its state of despair. They decide to bring silk worms into the city to establish a new industry and aid in economic growth, while also planning a festival (Jasmine Festival) to boost the...
Episode 15: Silk Worms
Ibn Battuta and Nawara sterilise the city’s water, spread jasmines and invitations to the people of the city to join them in the festival. The festival takes place with merchants and musicians coming from all over to the city. The city celebrates and Abu Nawara teaches the people how to nurture s...