Episode 2: When the Trumpet Sounds
Judgment Day: Deeds that Light the Way
When the Trumpet sounds, how will you be raised from your grave? Your actions up until the moment you die determine the very first moments of your resurrection. Were you faithful and charitable, or disobedient and greedy? The good deeds that you did in this world rise up to protect you as you navigate the tribulations that follow.
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Up Next in Judgment Day: Deeds that Light the Way
Episode 3: Clothing of Honor or Humil...
In the hereafter, deeds take on many forms. We’ve already seen that they guard us in the grave, but they also clothe us on the Day of Judgment—and their quality and beauty will be in exact proportion to the quality of our actions. Deeds related to sadaqah and Qur’an will have particular virtue, a...
Episode 4: You Will Be With Those Who...
As you are raised with those you loved in this temporary world, Jibreel (a) and the angels will line up in silent rows and Hell and Heaven will be brought near to the wicked and the righteous. In that indescribably anxious Hour, two things will differentiate the true believers: their immense, act...
Episode 5: When Allah Addresses the G...
What will it be like to meet your Lord? That first encounter is entirely up to you.
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