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Episode 21: Heavy Words on Your Scale

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Up Next in Judgment Day: Deeds that Light the Way

  • Episode 21: Heavy Words on Your Scale

    Automate your donations during the last 10 nights of Ramadan now:

    On the Day of Reckoning, the Mizan, the Balance, will be set up to weigh your deeds. It will measure all things with precision and justice, but you can prepare for the scales to weigh in your favor with very sim...

  • Episode 22: The Weight of Your Character

    Automate your donations during the last 10 nights of Ramadan:

    From the beloved Companion Abdullah ibn Masud (ra) to the tyrant Abu Jahl, each person will weigh differently on the Day of Judgment—and not by physical weight or the weight of deeds. What’s your weight in the Si...

  • Episode 23: The Deeds Worth 700 & More

    Automate your donations during the last 10 nights of Ramadan here:

    Allah, in His supreme mercy, does not punish us beyond the worth of a sin, but His measure for our good deeds is increased beyond calculation, leading to even greater reward. What makes our good deeds specia...