Episode 9: Inviting him to your home
Meeting Muhammad (SAWS)
After first meeting the Prophet ﷺ, then praying behind him and celebrating with him, you decide to invite him to your home. How would you even go about asking him? What would you serve such an honored man ﷺ? Here’s what to expect when he arrives at your door.
Up Next in Meeting Muhammad (SAWS)
Episode 10: When he joked with you
When the Prophet ﷺ jokes with you, you may be taken aback at first. Here’s how the Prophet ﷺ joked with others, and the lessons we can learn from his etiquette.
Episode 11: When you thought you were...
We long to spend time with those who love us. The Prophet ﷺ had a talent for making all those around him feel like his most beloved friend. No doubt that if a former enemy of Islam believed he was the Messenger’s best friend, we would have felt that way, too.
Episode 12: When you needed his help
Sometimes the people you rely on most during times of need are the ones that are unable to show up for you. What if you were to ask the Prophet ﷺ for help?