Episode 13: Abd Allah ibn Rawahah Part 1
Men Around the Prophet Season 1
Ibn Rawahah was a poet of the Prophet PBUH who was delicate in his words, but fierce in battle. Ibn Rawahah was devoted to the Prophet PBUH. The blessings of Allah were evident in his life and he spread the word of Islam through his poetry. After the death of one of the Prophet's PBUH companions Al Harithah, they head off to battle the Ghassanids. They were outnumbered and ibn Rawahah was nowhere to be found.
Up Next in Men Around the Prophet Season 1
Episode 14: Abd Allah ibn Rawahah Pa...
The Prophet PBUH was displeased with ibn Rawahah for not being present. Ibn Rawahah decided the only way to make up for his mistake was to fight and become a martyr. After considering their options that they would fight despite the odds against them; the battle began. He fought and become a marty...
Episode 15: Amr ibn al-Jamuh
Muaaz ibn Amr had converted to Islam, despite his parents being polytheists. He meets up with Muaaz ibn Jabal and takes his father’s idol away from him and hides it away, and after the father realizes the idol is merely an object that cannot act for itself, Muaaz convinces his father to convert t...
Episode 16: Abu Ayyub al-Ansari
Abu Ayyub opened the doors of his home to the Prophet PBUH. The Prophet PBUH chose to live on the lowest floor of the home. The humility of the Prophet PBUH further impressed Abu Ayyub. After many pleas to the Prophet PBUH, Abu Ayyub convinced him to move to the upper floor. He lived with Abu Ayy...