Episode 9: Bilal ibn Rabah Part 2
Men Around the Prophet Season 1
Alfadl comes at the request of Abu Bakr and gives Umayyah gold to free Bilal ibn Rabbah from his slavery and Bilal becomes the Muezzin of the Prophet PBUH. On the day Mecca was taken by the Muslims, Bilal stood atop of the mosque, singing the praise of Allah and the Prophet PBUH to the world.
Up Next in Men Around the Prophet Season 1
Episode 10: Suhayb ibn Sinan
Suhayb meets along with other men in the residence of a young man who owns a home near the Ka’aba chosen by the Prophet PBUH due to its discreet location and wouldn’t be targeted by the Quraysh. Despite their secrecy, the Quraysh attack, empowered by their faith, they remain steadfast and defiant...
Episode 11: Al-Miqdad ibn Amr
Al Miqdad lives among his people secretly, as a Muslim as he fears for himself. He agrees to go with Aswad’s men to battle with the Quraysh, and after discussions with Utbah, they agree that it is the easiest way to leave Mecca to join their brothers in faith and find protection from the Quraysh.
Episode 12: Muadh ibn Jabal
Muadh meets with Muadh Ben Amr Ben Al-Jamouh as they hide his father’s idols they discuss how their sadness for how his father is lost in his ways. They are able to convince Muadh‘s father of how idol worship is not the correct path and show him the way of Islam. After much convincing, he accepts...