Episode 24: Suhayl Ibn Amr Part 1
Men Around the Prophet Season 2
Suhayl starts his life off as a trader who despises the disruptive threat Mohammad is placing on his society. He is confronted by Ekrima, who claims that since their trade is safe, there is no need to confront Mohammad, Suhayl claims that he must eliminate them before they become a threat and heads into battle despite his children warning him not to.
Up Next in Men Around the Prophet Season 2
Episode 25: Suhayl Ibn Amr Part 2
The Treaty of Hudaybiyya, between the Prophet ( PBUH ) and the Quraysh, was signed under the efforts of Suhayl. His son, an avid Muslim, praises the Prophet ( PBUH ) for this treaty and infuriates Suhayl who then demands that son goes back with him. When Medina was conquered all were forgiven and...
Episode 26: Zayd Ibn Al Khattab Part 1
Zayd was the brother of the Khalifa Omar and died fighting for Islam. He also tells him a story about Zayd’s interactions regarding his father, where his father prized money above all other things. He is frustrated with his father’s lifestyle, and one night sees a convoy that had his sister inclu...
Episode 27: Zayd Ibn Al Khattab Part 2
Zayd tells his Mother about Islam. She rejects it, only to face protest from Zayd who is frustrated with the religion of his family. He is hostile towards Ammar for abandoning his faith, but learns that his sister had made the transition into Islam and his brother will follow. He decides to becom...