Episode 7: The First Hijrah
Omar Series
Persecution reaches unbearable lengths, and a group of Muslims seeks refuge in Abyssinia in King Najashi's kingdom. As frustrations in Makkah mount, so, too, does Omar's رضي الله عنه animus and frustration toward the Prophet ﷺ.
Up Next in Omar Series
Episode 8: New Hope
Omar's رضي الله عنه enmity and anger with the Prophet ﷺ reaches a boiling point. The Muslims receive two major victories that give them newfound strength.
Episode 9: The Year of Sorrow
Amr ibn Al As lobbies Najashi to return the emigrated Muslims to Makkah. Abu Talib and the family of the Prophet ﷺ strategize to protect him. The Quraysh tighten their grip on the Muslims of Makkah with a pledge to boycott hung in the Ka'bah.
Episode 10: Madinah
Under threat of violence, the Muslims of Makkah must find safe passage to emigrate to Yathrib. A ransom is placed on Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه and the Prophet ﷺ to capture them on their path to the new city