Episode 12: Mountains & Mirages
Judgment Day
Your deeds on Judgment Day may grow to be as mighty as mountains…or they could be crushed into dust, meaningless as a mirage. It all depends on the sincerity and God-consciousness that you expressed in the life of this world. Like the Companions, be mindful of your deeds, but always keep in mind the endless mercy of Allah.
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Up Next in Judgment Day
Episode 11: When He Asks About Your P...
Salah is the most important deed we can fulfill for our Creator. Standing trial on that Day, the first thing Allah will ask you about is your prayer. Will Allah show you His mercy, or will you be forgotten?
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Episode 10: Seven Under the Shade of ...
In the sweltering heat of Judgment Day, there will be seven groups of people who will be under the cool shade of the Throne of Allah, the Most High. They are the sabiqoon, the forerunners, granted a special position for all of eternity.
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Episode 9: Pulpits of Light
What is a pulpit of light, and who will be granted the special status of standing upon one on the day in which throngs will be crushed together? They are reserved for those who were humble and just. In contrast, those who were tyrannical in this world will be so disregarded that they will be no l...