Episode 17: The Surahs That Save You
Judgment Day: Deeds that Light the Way
From attaining wisdom to seeking comfort, the Qur’an’s deeper meanings and treasures reveal themselves to the believer in the times they need it most. As much as the Qur’an benefits and heals you in this life, it does so much more for you in the next. Returning as a fierce companion, its verses grant you special protections and rewards in the grave and on the Day of Judgment.
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Up Next in Judgment Day: Deeds that Light the Way
Episode 18: Your Unanswered Prayers
Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. With His infinite understanding, He places us in situations unique to our temperaments that enable us to avoid corruption and become the best people we can be. And in every life situation, He wishes to hear our du’as. Constantly seeking the aid of Allah through du’...
Episode 19: The Reward for Your Patience
Why is there such an emphasis on the concept of sabrun jameel, or ‘beautiful patience’ in Islam? During times of hardship, patience may be the only way to find contentment in this life. But in the Unseen, every little difficulty has meaning, and the Most Merciful is reserving an unparalleled fina...
Episode 20: Secret Deeds
When the moment finally arrives for your reckoning, how will Allah judge you for your deeds? Whether done in public or in private, all of your deeds will be laid out in front of you as you await judgment. Will you hold your book in shame, or will your Lord veil you from the scrutiny of others?